Jeremie Koenig, le Wed 01 Sep 2010 13:04:33 +0200, a écrit :
> On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 01:06:32AM +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > >     { "anonymous-owner", 'a', "USER", 0,
> > >   "Make USER the owner of files related to processes without one.  "
> > >   "Be aware that USER will be granted access to the environment and "
> > >   "other sensitive information about the processes in question.  "
> > >   "(default: use uid 0)" },
> > 
> > Which use do you envision?
> You may want to add an entry to /etc/passwd (say, "noone"), used only to
> distinguish the anonymous processes from those owned by root, though as
> the comment suggests you would have to be careful not to use it for
> anything else.

Ah, so it's really not like "nobody", that's for tasks whose owner is
yet unknown, but potentially root-owned or such, or something like this?

I don't know exactly the rules, but I feel like (uid_t) -1 might be
exactly what we need here.

> > > procfs.c
> > 
> > is caching data really useful for anything but directories?
> > I'm afraid of all the various re-reading patterns that tools may have.
> Caching data seemed the only way to ensure that you get consistent
> results if you read a file in multiple runs.

Does Linux assert that? Reading 128 bytes from /proc/interrupts several
times with an lseek(-128,SEEK_CUR) provides different values. interrupts
is using the seq_* functions like most other files in /proc

> As for re-reading, seeking to 0 invalidates the cached contents.[1]

Yes, that's probably a common pattern, but you never know what people

> Since Linux only supports reading /proc files in one run, there are
> probably not many other re-reading patterns to worry about, though
> arguably this could also mean that we shouldn't worry about supporting
> that either.

Yes.  It makes things quite simpler.

> > procfs_make_ino: this is not handling collisions. This can pose problems
> > with e.g. tar-ing /proc with hardlink management (yes, I sometimes do
> > such thing). I'm afraid it might be better to just assign known major
> > numbers to the various content providers (yes, that's not elegant), let
> > them handle minor numbers, and combine both. That would help to fill
> > d_fileno.
> I considered this, but ended up implementing the current solution first,
> since it was quicker and kept the interface simple.
> Instead of explicitely assigning inode numbers, we could make the
> probability of collision negligibly small by extending the inode numbers
> to 64 bits (but is there widespread userspace support for this?).

Well, I don't like having to neglect something :)

> Also, since pid_t is 32-bits wide (at least in theory), dividing a
> 32-bits inode namespace among processes might prove somewhat tricky and
> collision-prone as well.


Another way would be to allocate them on the fly, like Linux actually
seems to be doing.  That will however actually increase the amount of
collision too, when not keeping files open.

> > netfs_*: shouldn't we check the node type?
> Such checks are already done in libnetfs;



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