
I'm happy to announce that I have completed my thesis and presented it
at a seminar.  It was even passed with distinction which is the highest
possible grade (the other two grades being passed and failed).

Its title is ``Generalizing mobility for the Hurd'', and the abstract
is as follows:

> The GNU Hurd features mobile objects
> in its implementation of filesystem backing stores.
> This thesis investigates the
> limitations and security concerns
> these objects present,
> and how they can be overcome.
> This is done in preparation for new applications
> that feature mobile code and mobile objects.
> In addition,
> one such application is studied and implemented,
> in which mobile code is used to make
> the ioctl system call more extensible.

For now it is available from my personal web page provided by my uni:
but I don't know how long that will last since I'm no longer enrolled.
I guess I'll have to get a web page of my own eventually.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it easy to read, as it turned out
to be quite a `heavy' text.  Of course I don't want to discourage people
from reading it, but don't say I didn't warn you.  :-)

Perhaps now I can get back to actual Hurd development.


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