
On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 08:17:02PM +0300, Sergiu Ivanov wrote:
> I'm afraid I won't be able to arrive at the Hurd meeting, because
> there will be a meeting regarding scholarships in leading European
> universities tomorrow, and I have a dream to manage to get into one of
> such universities.
> Things may turn out differently and I may still arrive at the Hurd
> meeting (being late), but I won't say this is much probable.

Oh, that reminds me.  I will probably also be an hour or so late for
the meeting.

> The Conference at which I delivered my presentation about GNU/Hurd and
> unionmount was awful, there were hardy ten people in the room, each of
> them only interested in his own topic :-( Still, some preliminary
> measures took quite a time, so I haven't yet got to coding :-( I hope,
> though, I'll have some time later this week.

Sorry to hear that.  :-(

Hopefully you'll get more chances like this, and it'll go better next


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