Monday 17 of November 2008 14:34:23 Sergiu Ivanov napisaƂ(a):
> Well, I wonder whether porting Hurd to NetBSD kernel would take less
> effort than it should have taken to port it to L4 or Coyotos. Still,
> both attempts failed, and I am strongly inclined to think that it is
> just infeasible (or near infeasible) to port the Hurd on a
> *monolithic* kernel, though you had better ask Hurd guys smarter than
> me.
I wouldn't call it porting, it is just an emulation layer, similar to allowing 
launching Linux binaries on NetBSD. This means that only GNUMach logic has to 
be emulated. Most syscalls already work, because there was an effort to 
provide darwin emulation. Then, having the stable NetBSD code, all that is 
left is to provide the Mach services on top of it.
> I don't know whether there are specific limitations which would not
> allow to so this on NetBSD kernel, but, obviously, such an operation
> would mean *a lot* of work and I'd doubt that devising a brand new
> microkernel will take much more :-)
Again, it is not porting and there is much less work to do because of it. At 
least I hope so ;).


Marek Dopiera

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