
On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 02:02:18PM +0200, zhengda wrote:

> I also write a SHELL script "runwithpfinet" to set the environment
> variables and run the command provided by the user.
> It works in most of cases. but it doesn't work with "ping" when the
> user  execute "runwithpfinet 1 ping www.google.com". "ping" still uses
> the  default pfinet server. The main reason, I think, is that "ping"
> has a sticky bit. When the user  runs it, it gets the privilege of
> root, and meanwhile, the environment  variables are changed. Does
> anyone has any ideas to fix the problem?

This is perfectly correct behaviour. If it could be "fixed", that would
actually mean there is a serious security problem -- the user has no
business meddling with the execution environment of a program running as


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