Samuel Thibault wrote:
Thomas Schwinge, le Tue 08 Jul 2008 09:41:20 +0200, a écrit :
Not sure what the best approach is. Ideally, they should run in two
distinct VMs sharing the hardware :-)
Yes. That's also what I'd suggest. There'd as well be the plus of other
people being able to reboot/recover hung systems, if Barry is on
vacations, etc. Samuel, perhaps you can help to set-up such a system?
Sure, the "hard" part is just a matter of having a working Debian system
on it, install the packages from
and a xen-hypervisor-something-nonpae package, update-grub, reboot with
that, and give me ssh access.
By "working Debian system" do you mean Debian GNU/Linux or a Debian Hurd
Barry deFreese