It would easily be possible with the wiki to include only posts whoose names 
match a simple expression (for example all posts including the word "hurd"). 

It would also be possible to have a general weblog aggregator which catches 
all entries and specialized sections, which include only entries whoose names 
contain certain words. 

That's not quite tagging (maybe real tagging is also possible - you can check 
ikiwiki yourself), but it's quite close in functionality. 

And ikiwiki can be updated via git. And even though I prefer Mercurial, that 
is a huge benefit to me. 
The data can't be lost by a simple database crash, because every editor has a 
copy of the whole wiki on his/her local disk. 

Besides: It's just 26MiB, repacked 10MiB remain. 

Best wishes, 

El Monday, 19 de May de 2008 15:47:22 Thomas Thurman escribió:
> Can we perhaps have a "Planet HURD" similar to Planet GNOME and so on?
> The Planet software is easily available.  In addition, you can
> usually make it pick up only posts in its feeder blogs which have a
> given tag, so if you want it showing your new idea about translators
> but not what you had for lunch, you can do that.
> peace
> T

Unpolitisch sein
Heißt politisch sein
Ohne es zu merken. 
- Arne Babenhauserheide ( )

-- Weblog:
-- Infinite Hands: - singing a part of the 
history of free software. 
-- Ein Würfel System: - einfach sauberere (Rollenspiel-) Regeln

-- Mein öffentlicher Schlüssel (PGP/GnuPG):

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