
On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 01:43:54PM +0200, Carl Fredrik Hammar wrote:

> > BTW, there is a problem: We have another very promising application
> > for the procfs task. If we want to take both of you, one would have
> > to switch to a different task. Would you be willing to work on
> > something else as well? I know it's unfortunate, as you have already
> > put so much work into this one... But you surely could reuse most of
> > what you learned in the process :-) Please contact us on IRC if you
> > are unsure which alternate task to pick.
> That is unfortunate.  Perhaps it would be a good idea to maintain a
> list of projects that have already been applied for to help students
> avoid this problem?

I already considered this. I'm not sure it's a good idea, though. It
could discourage students from taking interesting tasks... We can't take
all students anyways; so some overlap is OK. Here it was an exceptional
case, because both students seem very promising and have a good chance
of being accepted...

Maybe we should add a note to the procfs task though, because there seem
to be much more applications for this one than the others...

> (Or are applications publicly visible?  I couldn't find a link.)

No, only to mentors and administrators. You want to mentor?... ;-)


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