
On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 08:20:54PM +0100, Thomas Schwinge wrote:

> Question: do we want to have a Developer Room for giving talks, doing
> hacking, etc.?

Yes, I think we should try to get one if we can. People attending get
much more out of the conference this way.

> What do we have to tell?  Whom do we want to tell?  Do we want to
> reach arbitrary people that don't know how to spell ``Hurd'' yet, or
> rather do some BoF-like sessions, i.e., internal presentations?

According to my own experience, the devrooms at FOSDEM generally tend to
be rather BoF-like. (They are developer rooms after all, right? ;-) )
FOSDEM has way too much other interesting stuff to offer, to hope for
anyone but people already seriously interested in the topic to drop by.
Only extremely catchy topics (like e.g. Xgl in the X devroom in 2006)
will attract outsiders.

Thus, I think the answer is pretty clear: We should focus on exchanging
knowledge and ideas amongst people interested in the Hurd. IMHO that's
also what this community is most sorely missing, so it really makes

If we come up with some talk that indeed could attract a wider audience,
I think we should rather try to get that one into one of the main

> Other people interested in doing a presentation (or two)?

If people don't mind rather abstract topics -- more in the realm of
ideas to work on than stuff one can actually use right now -- I should
have no difficulty doing a presentation or two :-)


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