Thomas Schwinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello!


> bug-hurd, please welcome Carl Fredrik Hammar, who will be working on
> <>, ``designing and writing libchannel,
> a library for streams'', as a Google Summer of Code 2007 project.

I'm glad you chose my project, this will be a great launch for my free
software hacking career. ;-)

> Richard Braun will officially be his mentor, but of course we all will
> support them.

Great!  I'm looking forward to working with Richard and everyone else.

> Giving Fredrik a warm welcome shouldn't be too difficult given that he
> had already previously introduced himself and his proposal on this very
> mailing list.
> Some rules.  They may be rather obvious, but let's nevertheless write
> them down here.
> Mentoring shall take place on the public <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mailing list
> (save organizational or personal issues, of course), so that everyone can
> contribute to the process and also that everyone else can learn
> alongside.
> The student shall post reports of his efforts to the mailing list.  While
> reserving that right, we won't come up with a fixed interval right now,
> but the student should at least post his status when requested by the
> mentor.  (If there are discussions going on, these are of course already
> a statement about the project's status.)

Alright, about what I had expected, sound good.

> Well then, let the fun begin!  Good luck, Fredrik!
> Regards,
>  Thomas and Richard

Thanks a bunch! :-)


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