Hi there!
This is my first mail to the list.
I'm interested in submitting an application to GSoC for the Hurd project
concerning the device driver glue code.
The proposal is @ http://www.cslab.ntua.gr/~ananos/proposal.html
my first try for the abstract produced this:
The GNU/Hurd running on top of GNU/Mach is a free Operating System (free
as in freedom). The Hurd is a set of "servers" that run over the Mach
micro-kernel providing support for various tasks needed to complete the
tasks of a generic OS. It has not been released yet, but it's on a
growth trajectory - being constantly developed and improved based on a
stable snapshot. It only supports i386 architecture and a set of
small-range hardware components. This is due to the way the device
driver framework is designed. The device drivers used are those of the
Linux Kernel (versions 1.3 to 2.0) being emulated by means of a
framework designed in 1996 (and a lot alike ndiswrapper). Glue code has
been added in GNU/Mach to support various features needed by the Linux
Kernel and it's drivers. The purpose of this proposal is to update
gnumach's device support: specifically, I aspire to rewrite and extend
the glue code residing in GNU/Mach source tree so as to support modern
hardware with Linux Kernel's device drivers (versions 2.6.x) in the
bosom of Google's Summer of Code program and the GNU/Hurd project
Redesigning the device driver framework of GNU/Mach is an intriguing
task. However, the project's perspective is to be stable enough to be
released while being able to support a wide range of common hardware
used nowadays.
The device driver glue code used currently in GNU/Mach is by and large
outdated. Using the existing code and design as a starting point, the
Linux Kernel device drivers as the core and help provided by the
GNU/hurd project maintainers, I intend to rewrite the glue code needed
to support updated Linux Kernel's device drivers. The current framework,
as it stands, necessitates the introduction of the following changes in
three dimensions. At first, the device drivers have to run unchanged.
This means that the glue code has to be designed as a layer between the
real driver code and GNU/Mach's way of interfacing with devices. Next,
various adjustments have to be introduced so as to implement features
that the Linux Kernel drivers need to run smoothly. Finally, the code
has to be fully documented, so as to render the task of maintaining as
easy as possible.
I would really appreciate some feedback. Sorry if this mail appears as
spam to you.
Thank you in advance for your time.
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