
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 01:14:30AM +0100, I wrote:
> Like they did last year, Google is again hosting a Summer of Code program
> in 2007.  See <http://code.google.com/soc/>.
> The GNU project is again going to apply for being a mentoring
> organization and has asked the various GNU subproject to already begin
> collecting ideas about projects being worth attending there.  See
> <http://gnu.org/software/soc-projects/guidelines.html>

> Suitable tasks would again be made up from the ones already registered at
> <http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?group=hurd> and from the ones you are
> going to send in now.

I began to make some thoughts about that; please comment.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?1619 -- designing and writing libchannel, a
library for streams

This should be fine to put up as a project.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5469 -- Rewrite pfinet

The libchannel project should be done before, or at least in parallel,
I'd say.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5470 -- Implement pfinet6

The ``rewrite pfinet'' project should be done before (and libchannel
transitively), or at least in parallel, I'd say.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5485 -- Design and implement a sound system

Both libchannel and the device driver update should be done before, or at
least in parallel, I'd say.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5486 -- Andrew File System (AFS)

This should be fine to put up as a project.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5487 -- cthreads -> pthreads

How much is actually left to be done?  Consider that the GSoC is about
writing code, not about debugging.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5488 -- Update the device driver glue code
in GNU Mach

Shall we publish that one as a project?

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5489 -- GNU Mach's IPC / VM system

This is most probably too complex for a GSoC project.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5497 -- nfs and nfsd

Manuel Menal was working on that during the 2006 GSoC, but didn't get it
to an end.  His code is still available in the
`mmenal-soc2006-nfs-branch' branch.  Someone would have to check how much
work there is left to be done, to decide if we can put it up as a project

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5499 -- Logical Volume Manager (LVM)

This should be fine to put up as a project.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?5503 -- extended attributes

How much is actually left to be done?  Consider that a patch to add
support for reading and writing of extended attributes is already
available in <http://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?5126>.

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?6231 -- Implement support for futexes

Is this a suitable project?

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?6584 -- Improve Xen support

Is this a suitable project?

http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?6612 -- Overriding the system's default

Is this a suitable project?

Further suggestions are of course still welcome!


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