Scribit Arnab Roy dies 13/02/2007 hora 20:51:
> I am Arnab Roy, working at Synergy Microwave Corps as a design
> engineer. I am willing to help you in this projecct. I am attaching my
> resume for job descrption and contact information.

There may be some misunderstandings here: first, you attach your resume,
and I'm wondering if you're searching for a job, which obviously the GNU
project isn't likely to provide. The Hurd is a volunteer project, to
which you are free to contribute if you want, but that won't pay you
full or part-time for it (though occasionally some bounties may be
offered for specific contributions, even independently from the Hurd
project itself).

As many other free software projects, the Hurd is a meritocracy. You are
accepted not on your resume or previous jobs or achievements but on the
quality of your contributions, in either form (code, documentation,
coordination, whatever...).

Second, you are sending your resume as a Microsoft Word document, which
is a proprietary format, for which many of us won't have a genuine
reader (some may be able to use programs whose developers managed to
partly reverse-engineer the format of Microsoft Word documents, but
that's an ad hoc solution, prone to bugs and problems).

Maybe you were not aware that the FSF, which is somewhat behind the Hurd
project, actively ask for such formats not to be used in emails?

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