Hello again!

On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 01:21:52AM +0200, I wrote:
> If you are building GNU Mach kernels from gnumach-1-branch, this means
> that you a) can now get a usable GNU Mach kernel configuring it just like
> `./configure'

I should add that this will select those device drivers by default that
prove to be useful / stable / non-interfering for most people: the ones
that have been selected in the Debian gnumach package for years.

> and b) should now re-visit the file [GNU Mach]/i386/README-Drivers and
> the output of `[GNU Mach]/configure --help=recursive'.

And here I should add that you will notice that I also removed all the
aliases for the device drivers but in turn improved the output of
configure's help screens.


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