Hello guys,
From my perspective, I wanted to register for an account over a week
ago and didn't get an activation reply so far ... besides, some info is
outdated (2G limit?!) and the TWiki is from 2002 if I'm correct.
I would also be willing to offer hosting and maintenance for it (if the
Gnufans domain is taken care of).
Ernst Rohlicek jun.
Joachim Nilsson wrote:
On 8/10/06, Duck Marc Dequ�nes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marc Dequ�nes (Duck) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thomas, anything decided yet ? Do you need an hosting place ? If so,
> DuckCorp could help in this area.
> Arf, this domain name is nice. I could sponsor the fee if needed.
Anything new ? Anything decided ?
I haven't seen anyone else than you stepping up offering to help.
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