It is possible that you is right about that stuff... anyway, I see no
other way to do that on hurd without break the design...

I hope ngHurd people consider that and do not make 'everything is a
file' design. For sound, video, network.... stuff.

2006/5/6, Esben Stien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Richard Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't really see the problem with file descriptors

"File descriptors are not bad. The problem is an interface based around
open/read/write/close. Video has the exact same issue, with the
solution widely understood: individual apps do not
open/read/write/close the video device." - paul-davis

> Do you think it'd be possible to have JACK without an ALSA or OSS
> interface on the Hurd ?

Yes, I've talked to Paul Davis, the author of JACK. He would advice
you to start a thread on the jackit-devel mailinglist[1].


Esben Stien is [EMAIL PROTECTED]     s      a
         http://www. s     t    n m
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           jid:b0ef@    n     n

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