Here is a patch for the $(HURD_SRC)/hurd/Makefile to install all the msgid 
files to $(prefix)/share/msgids.  

Can we get this commited so this task can be closed?  I posted a few days ago 
asking for an agreement on where to store the files, Alfred was the only one 
who agreed(or even commented).  Is this ok?


What does everyone think of changing `make hurd.msgids` to `make msgids`?  
Since the former builds more then just hurd.msgids.

#endif /* BRAINSTORMING */

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/hurd$ patch -p0 <install_msgids.patch
patching file hurd/Makefile
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/hurd-obj/hurd$ make hurd.msgids
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/hurd-obj/hurd$ make install-msgids
mkdir /home/hde/devel/share
mkdir /home/hde/devel/share/msgids
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 *.msgids /home/hde/devel/share/msgids
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/hurd$ diff -ru ../hde_home/hurd/hurd/Makefile 
hurd/Makefile > install_msgids.patch
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/hurd$ cat install_msgids.patch
--- ../hde_home/hurd/hurd/Makefile      2005-07-25 06:09:42.000000000 -0400
+++ hurd/Makefile       2005-08-05 07:35:43.000000000 -0400
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
        else > $@; fi
 hurd.msgids: $(patsubst %.defs,%.msgids,$(filter %.defs,$(INSTHDRS)))
        cat $^ > $@
+MSGIDIR = $(prefix)/share/msgids                                               
+       @$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(MSGIDIR)                                            
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) *.msgids $(MSGIDIR)                  

 # The following rules assist in creating an `Xioctl.defs' file
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/hurd$ 

Happy Hacking

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