At Mon, 11 Jul 2005 23:52:35 +0200,
Marcus [EMAIL PROTECTED] de wrote:
> Hi,
> this patch is for glibc, but it needs to get more testing before it
> can go in.  Please give it a good beating.

I should add some information on how to test this.

The shm node is /dev/shm.  Normally, tmpfs is installed on this node
by MAKEDEV.  But this won't work yet, because tmpfs is broken (d'oh).

So, you put on the node an ext2fs filesystem and it will work.  For
example, you can use a ramdisk.  Or just don't set any translator on
it and use the root filesystem.  In either case, you need to use the
--no-inherit-dir-group (--sysvgroups) option so the group permissions
will be right.  The permissions on the node should be like for the
/tmp directory: world rwx, sticky bit set.

Below is a temporary patch for ext2fs to support the bit used for
nattch.  Only few programs will require this, though.


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