> Michael Banck wrote:
> > Anybody tried to build oskit-mach recently and could tell me which
> > compiler/configure options/patches to use? I have attached the oskit
> > modules file (I also tried another one, with the same result).
> Actually, being the stubborn hard-ass that I am I managed to build and 
> successfully boot oskit-mach today.  It's weird, but I've put up the
> resulting kernel, build scripts and modules file, free for testing at
>       http://vmlinux.org/jocke/gnu/hurd/
> It just won't die! :-)

Could you tell how you exactly got it working?  I tried the binary on
this machine (i686) naively with

title   Debian GNU/Hurd Mach 2
kernel  (hd0,1)/boot/oskit-mach-2005-04-13 root=device:hd0s2
module  (hd0,1)/hurd/ext2fs.static --multiboot-command-line=
${kernel-command-line} --host-priv-port=${host-port}
--device-master-port=${device-port} --exec-server-task=${exec-task} -T
typed ${root} $(task-create) $(task-resume)
module  (hd0,1)/lib/ld.so.1 /hurd/exec $(exec-task=task-create)

and it rebooted immediatly after booting, i.e. the screen flushed before
I could press Scroll Lock.


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