On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 16:30:11 +0200, Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I think there are two seperate issues.  For Debian GNU/Hurd (or
> any other distribution) "better than nothing" is good enough for the
> time being. 

Ideally i would like to build something that gets improved over time,
and since its not impossible to make a random translator, i don't see
why a "Good one" can't be made.

> You need to tweak gnupg and openssh at build time in order to use it
> though I believe, but I'm interested in any success with that (I haven't
> really tested the package).  We should still make it clear that this is
> not appropriate security of course, but it's better than everybody
> copying /bin/bash to /dev/random.

I will play with that this weekend. 
> The other issue is upstream.  I think it is clear that no half-assed
> solution will be accepted there, so if anybody wants to work on the
> entropy translator to rule them all, they should get advice from the
> upstream hackers (most notably marcus, probably)

Considering that the security of most cryptographic systems rests on
the quality of the rng, a half-assed solution is definitely not what i
am after. ("Hey! you are the guy that wrote the rng for hurd, that let
those hax0rs totally brutalize the world")

So there should be a separate entropy translator? That would actually
eliminate the issue of how to use hardware entropy generators
(including that stuff that supposedly comes on some of the Intel

Unless someone else is working on this, i would definitely like to
start on it... how do i go about getting advice from the "upstream
hackers"... and possibly the code that marcus wrote for /dev/random?


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