Daniel Godás <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have taken a look at the project page in savanah and i only found
> information about gnumach, nothing about that branch you say and
> nothing about L4.

For L4, it will take a while before it is officially announced, I think.

> It looks like theres not an "official" microkernel for the hurd and
> with official i mean one that newbies like me should use. Its a bit
> difficult to get into something new if you dont know how to get the
> pieces. Can anybody please tell me what i need to build a working
> system?

There is one and it is GNU Mach.  The latest release was 1.3, which is
also official.  As for CVS: Just use the branch I told you about.
It's likely a 1.4 release will be made out of that branch.

For a working system you can better download Debian GNU/Hurd:



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