Thanks Alfred. As you guessed, I'm doing native compile. Some
how I messed up my config.make file and it doesn't have -x flag for
the CPP variable. And that is the reason why I was getting this error.
            Thanks a lot for your help.

On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 20:41:41 +0100, Alfred M. Szmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please fix your client so that it does not wrap lines.
>  When I try to build trans folder alone with the command "CC=gcc-3.3
>  make", I'm getting the following error.
> How did you configure everything?  You havn't told us this, this is
> important information.  You also haven't told us if you are doing a
> cross-compile or a native-compile, I'm assuming you are doing a native
> one since you are using gcc istead of ix86-pc-gnu-gcc.
>   gcc-3.3 -E -I.  -I..  -I../include -I../include
>    -DSERVERPREFIX=S_ ../hurd/fsys.defs -o fsys.sdefsi
> Somehow something got screwed up and the `-x c' flag isn't being
> passed.
>   %.sdefsi: %.defs
> $< -o $@
>   Here the CPP is getting substituted with gcc-3.3. This should be
>   substituted with mig I suppose. Correct me if I'm wrong.
> You're wrong, the rule is correct.

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