        It seems the problem was errno looses its contents over lib calls.
So, in order for you to later test errno you must save it in a variable.
I did just that in open_class and the problem is now fixed.  I have included
a patch to fix the problem.  If you have any questions please do ask.
Also regarding libparted I have included a patch that allows you to use 
paths instead of strictly store typed names. After installation of both patches
parted works very well. For those of you interested fdisk is on its way.  Also
the version of parted I am using is the current stable version 1.6.11. And
the libstore I am using is cvs.

to run the patchs just use `cd ${SOURCE} && gzip -d PATH.gz && patch -p0 <PATCH` :)


Attachment: parted-1.6.11-open_store_PATCH.diff.gz
Description: Parted-1.6.11:gnu.c Patch

Attachment: open_class_error_handling_patch.diff.gz
Description: libstore/module.c:open_class Patch

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