On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 22:49, David Gascón wrote:
> Hy;
> I have installed Hurd from K6 CD (the base system);
> but my  ethernet card [3C940] is not detected (or al least, not 
> automatically).
> Long time ago, I found some drivers for Linux, from 3COM driver database.
> what is the next stept??

That's a pretty new ethernet chipset, (at least newer than Linux 2.2) so
i doubt there is a driver in GNUMach for it. You can attempt to backport
one of the drivers from Linux 2.4 or 2.6, if you can do that, it
shouldn't be TOO hard though. When dealing with GNUMach remember this:

* use the gnumach-1-branch from CVS
* use autoconf 2.13 (not the latest one)

The Linux ethernet drivers are usually in
/gnumach/linux/src/drivers/net. Along with some other things you'll have
to edit that are scattered around, I'm not very familiar with how
GNUMach builds.

Good Luck

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