Barry deFreese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Robert helped me with a problem with xserver last night.  Now I am
> getting a shitload of errors for agp sstuff.  I think  I can ignore
> that for now since Hurd doesn't support agpGART anyway and agp support
> neeeds DRI which is broken in xserver.  As usual I am way over my head
> at this point.  What would be the easiest way to skip trying to build
> the agp stuff?  Just hack it out of the makefile?

Please do not modify the Makefiles, that will break portability.

The right way to do this is editing the config/cf/ file.  You
can just put "define HasAgpArt NO" in it.  Just have a look at the
other config files.

If this way of building has changed (so if you are using the xservers that use automake for building) I can look it
up for you.


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