> +lstat64("dev/full", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0666, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
> +listxattr("dev/full", (nil), 0)         = 15
> +listxattr("dev/full", 0x808c348, 15)    = 15
> +getxattr("dev/full", "gnu.translator", (nil), 0) = 18
> +getxattr("dev/full", "gnu.translator", 0x808c3a8, 18) = 18

You need to check the contents returned by these calls (examine those buffers).

> The second parameter of setxattr() is "" except when in the meantime
> /dev/ttyp* got extracted, in which case it is "p*" (here, /dev/fd
> /dev/ttyp0 and /bin/true got archived), yielding the EOPNOTSUP:

Those are bogus.  Probably the listxattr/getxattr calls above returned some
bogus strings and star is following that.  If not, you'll have to debug
star and see where it got those bogus attribute names.

> Additionally, there's a SIGCHLD quite early, before any setxattr's were
> attempted:

Presumably that is normal (star forked a child).

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