Hi there, This is an auto-reply e-mail from Hyper-mail. In order to address your concerns faster, we've listed below the most common support issues. For quick solutions to these issues, please click on the links below.
To cancel the subscription and remove your e-mail address from the recipient database: http://www.adult.hyper-mail.com/autocancel.asp To edit your account, such as changing which lists you're subscribed to or changing what days you receive our mail: http://www.adult.hyper-mail.com/edit.asp If you have a question or concern that is not covered by the about quick-solutions, or these quick-solutions are not correcting your problem, please explain your support issue in an e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] We will review your support issue and correct or answer any problems you have a soon as possible. Sincerely, Hyper-Mail Support _______________________________________________ Bug-hurd mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-hurd