Quoting Sajith T S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> Presenting "the first industrial sterngth journaling filesystem" for
> the Hurd :^) 
>     http://www.symonds.net/~sajith/hurd/jfs-0.0.1.tar.gz

Cool! :)

> Please take a look at the translator. Just took it out of the
> freezer... it started reading my jfs partition in mid-August, but I
> could put it on the web only now. Apologies for that. 
> It's a readonly translator, so no journaling now :-) Of course, there
> are many other missing things, and bugs.

IIRC linux uses a special journaling layer. IMHO the Hurd needs a libjournalfs
as an extention to libdiskfs. Someone is working on ext3fs AFAIK. I'm just
saying this because doing the same thing twice is a waste of time. This should
be coordinated.

> I installed the Hurd from old (pre-libio) Debian G1 CDs, and I don't
> have access to recent Hurd releses right now. So not sure if it would
> work (or even compile) elsewhere. Many things have changed since then,
> right?

I think you should change ino_t to ino64_t where ever it is used.

Two filesystems I work on are fatfs and minixfs (private toy ;)). With both
filesystems I had problems while switching from a pre-libio system to current
CVS. Even fatfs in CVS has a problem in diskfs_get_dirents... Can you please
send a mail about any problems you encounter to this mailinglist and a
discription how to fix it (if you figured out how to do this ofcourse ;)). This
will help me a lot! :)

> Take a look and comment, please.
I will do that... soon ;)

Marco Gerards

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