> > As far as Hurd/L4 is concerned, mono-directional ports
> > are the only possible alternative.
> And for high performance, I suspect the right way to do it is to share
> some buffer space (preferably shared all the way down to the
> network card), and send a messages when a packet is written to the
> buffer, and when a packet have been completely processed so that the
> buffer can be reused.
> Hmm, such a shared queue sounds like a generally useful thing, for
> various i/o tasks. Do you already have a library that does that under
> l4?

The client would make a container containing the pages and give the
server access to the container.  Then the server would map the pages
in the container, build a packet and send it down the network.  Upon
return, the client could reject the server's access to the container
or fill it with another pay load and continue.

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