Title: վ Soven Website


Welcome to Soven Website



 1.1 ķ޹˾ǾѧԱҵ԰׼йערҵ빫˾ѧԱ죬ṩ10ֵĿڡͬʱ¿Ƽóͼ顢ӳķ桢վطSovenTrans ߳Ϊͻṩʷ

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 Ӣ 90220Ԫ Ӣ 150240Ԫ յ·֣200280Ԫ(ÿǧ)


 ķ빫˾ͨвͬҵרҵ֪ʶԾӢȫ30֯ҵϵṩʽרҵ񣬷񺭸ȫ֡ ֳֿϣص 빫˾Эᡢι˾רԺУƹ˾ʦڹ˾Ȼϵͬ̽ļ롢񼰻롢վػѵ׫дη Ƶĺ


ϵҵظEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            վhttp://www.soven.com

 㣬ظ:  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            վhttp://www.soven.com


 λ: ķ޹˾ : 0086-10-62988488 ʱ: 100085

 ַ: йϵض73¥4-502 : 0086-10-62978488 ˽: 13611234157

 ַ: www.soven.com   ˾   : ȫ 198-10033237

 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            վhttp://www.soven.com

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 Soven in search of Excellence, Trust us, guaranteed content, logic, completeness, accuracy and consistency in matching your original documents to your intended audience, Overcome Chinglish with Quality Translation, this is SovenTrans. Welcome to browse our Web-site, http://www.soven.com , or E-mail to us.

 Soven Ա˶ʿѧʿѧѧѧѧȲͬרҵ򣬽ϹרҵϸߵˮƽдܹʹSovenרҵˮ׼ɲͬݣڡóҽҩеͨšӡʯ͡ʳƷӹԴӵӰ籾ȡ


  62988488 62978488(Fax) ֵֻ1361-1234-157 :95838-5003124Сʱ



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 4 廪ѧϵ ڶʿ йƼѧͶ

1.1 Beijing Soven Translation Co., Ltd., a specialized translation organization approved The Iicubator of Beijing Haidian Science Park by Beijing science & Technology Commission and registered with Shanghai Industrial & Commercial Administration Bureau, sincerely provides quality service for customers both at home and abroad. SovenTrans boasts over two hundred professional translators and interpreters covering more than ten languages and has established a broad translation network in China.

 1.2 Soven in search of Excellence, Trust us, guaranteed content, logic, completeness, accuracy and consistency in matching your original documents to your intended audience, Overcome Chinglish with Quality Translation, this is SovenTrans. Welcome to browse our Web-site, http://www.soven.com , or E-mail to us.

 1.3 Quotation for translation

 Non-technical (RMB/thousand Chinese characters) Technical (RMB/thousand Chinese characters) Contract (RMB/thousand Chinese characters)

 ChineseEnglish or Japanese 150-240 180-260 200-240

 English or JapaneseChinese 90-180 95-220 160-220

 ChineseGerman or French 220 260 300

 German or French Chinese 180 220 260

 Chineseother languages 320 360 400

 Other languages Chinese 240 280 320

 1. 4 Seeking Partners:

 Beijing Soven Translation Co., Ltd. is a global company with branches in America, Asia, Europe and Australia, successfully managing a network of over 10,000 linguistic experts from all over the world who work closely via the Internet, and providing multilingual linguistic services. We have established cooperation relations with more than 30 institutions and organizations worldwide. We are sincerely seeking partners like translation companies, translation institutes, tourism companies, colleges, publishing and designing companies, law offices as well as import &export companies to cooperate in the fields of document translation, business and conference interpretation, website localization, language training, tourist guide, publishing and designing, etc.

 Please contact us.


 we can send emails for your company at the method of group-sending emails, RMB Yuan 100/ 100 thousand email



 Room 502,Entrance 4, Building 3, Zone No. 7, Shangdi Dongli, Haidian District, Beijing, China Post code: 100085

 Tel: +86 10-62988488,62978488,13611234157 Fax: +86 10-62978488 BP:95838-50031

 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            վhttp://www.soven.com

  1.1 Soven Translation ǽйעԵČIԷgCCTCAăA\麣͑ṩ|ա˲ŝхR˶NIڡPgˆTgZN漰ʮNKЇA|؅^һķgWj|棬u鱣^ИIȒISO9000׼M|̶̹ȵ˷g|ͷgЧʡ

  1.2 grĿ (RMB Yuan)

  160Ԫ/ǧ Ӣg 90-120Ԫ/ǧ ZNg240-300Ԫ/ǧ


 CTCgͨ^“WRؔfвͬИI͌I֪RZԾӢKcȫ30ҽMC˘IպPϵṩNʽZԌIգպwȫZN F\ϣص g˾gf[˾ԺУOӋ˾Ɏ„Mڹ˾șCc҂“ϵͬ̽ӑļPḡռhgWվػZӖĕ׫[ OӋIVIĺ

 1.4 Ոo҂l]҂rc“ϵo҂һCoһCϣ@ܳɞ҂Lںͬx͵耳ס

 1.5 ַЇՅ^ϵYӍbIؖ|߅^34502 ]100085

 Ԓ+86 10-62988488, 62978488, 13611234157 +86 10-62978488 BP:95838-50031

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            վhttp://www.soven.com

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