
I've been playing around with the Hurd on my Linux box
and sharing filesystems between the two of them.  I have
one partition which I use as a repository for lots of GNU
and other free software I'm compiling under the Hurd.

I'm running into a problem, however, when I mount (set translator for)
one of the filesystems.

Under Linux, df shows these partitions as:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1              2015984    739996   1173580  39% /hurd
/dev/hdc2              5039592   1605844   3177744  34% /hurd/src
/dev/hdb1               958977    703747    205690  78% /mnt/hdd1

I only seem to have problems with /hurd/src (hd2s2) and it seems to
me that the only difference is size.  I was wondering if there are
any known limitations on filesystem sizes to confirm my suspicions.
The 'ext2fs' translator dies with 'Computer bought the farm' when
files with 'large' inode numbers are 'stat'ed such as the following:

 625551 drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root         4096 Feb 17 16:16 redhat/
 306261 drwxr-xr-x    2 jona     users        4096 Feb  7 01:56 rpm/

but seems to behave appropriately for files with 'small' inode numbers:

    67 -rw-r--r--    1 jona     users      744169 Jan 31 23:49

If there are any known limitations, can anyone give me a clue as to
where to look (mach/storeio/ext2fs) so I can help remedy them?

My system was compiled (by me from scratch) from:



Jonathan S. Arney
Software Engineer
(602) - 589 - 6654

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