Here's the fix for the runttys segfaulting.  It was an off by one
error in allocating space to hold an argv vector during construction
of the string for the terminal used.

2001-11-21  Ryan M Golbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    * runttys.c (setup_terminal): Fixed off by one error internal 
    function make_args.

Index: runttys.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/hurd/hurd/daemons/runttys.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -p -r1.3 runttys.c
--- runttys.c   1999/09/19 19:43:31     1.3
+++ runttys.c   2001/11/22 03:36:10
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ setup_terminal (struct terminal *t, stru
          size_t len;
          argz_create_sep (line, ' ', &argz, &len);
          argc = argz_count (argz, len);
-         argv = malloc (argc * sizeof (char *));
+         argv = malloc ((argc + 1) * sizeof (char *));
          argz_extract (argz, len, argv);
          return argv;

Ryan Golbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Science
University Of Waterloo

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