Tomas Volf <> skribis: > Actually, now that I think about it, why are formal arguments for the > restart lambda `(running . args)'? For example status has just `(_)'. > Neither `running' nor `args' are used in the lambda itself. > > Changing the formal arguments to simply _ would get us the same behavior > you get when you try to invoke e.g. status action with multiple > arguments (an error).
I think it’s a bug. Back in the day (commit a84ecf34be2a35e8b068d4232d8932acc5986c33) would pass those extra arguments to ‘start’: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- ((restart) (lambda (running . args) (if running (stop obj) (local-output "~a was not running." (canonical-name obj))) (start obj args))) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- Which is consistent and should probably be restored. That way, we’d get an error when restarting services that take no arguments. Ludo’.