Hi Tomas,

Somehow nobody acted over this bug report for a long time.  Terrible.

wolf <w...@wolfsden.cz> skribis:

>   There is an assumption made by Guix regarding guile-git, which is not
>   true.  The problem is demonstrated using my fork, since that is where
>   I encountered it first, but official Guix will hit the same problem
>   sooner or later.  I will also provide an independent repository for
>   the verification.
>   Guix made a design decision to compare commit objects using eq?, based
>   on the assumption that guile-git will return the same object for the
>   same commit.  However that assumption is wrong and can lead to fun
>   issues like:
>   ,----
>   | scheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (git) (guix git))
>   | scheme@(guile-user)> (define %repo (repository-open "/tmp/my-fork"))
>   | scheme@(guile-user)> (define %hash 
> "d51135e8477118dc63a7e5462355cd27e884f4fb")
>   | scheme@(guile-user)> (commit-relation
>   |  (commit-lookup %repo (string->oid %hash))
>   |  (commit-lookup %repo (string->oid %hash)))
>   | $5 = unrelated
>   `----


‘tests/commit.scm’ in Guile-Git checks that behavior, but maybe it’s
just a lucky case.

Two questions/comments:

  1. Come up with a similar test (for Guile-Git) where commits are *not*
     ‘eq?’? (It it enough to create a commit with a log that’s beyond
     4 KiB?)

  2. Since Guile-Git has been pretending to provide that eq?-ness
     guarantee, I’m tempted to fix the problem in Guile-Git, by having a
     per-repository lookup table (a weak-value hash table mapping OIDs
     to commits).

How does that sound?

Thanks in advance,

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