Thank you! Does this make shepherd Debian packages useless, or can we suggest 
people to ignore the warning? Any simple way to patch it out from within 
shepherd? The Debian freeze is in two weeks and it would be nice to give a good 
first impression to people try it shepherd from Debian… i could try to get 
guile patched, but it is getting late.


> 26 feb. 2025 kl. 16:51 skrev Ludovic Courtès <>:
> Hi,
> Simon Josefsson <> skribis:
>> It seems shepherd in Debian print the following on a simple --help:
>> 132s warning: call to environ while multiple threads are running;
>> 132s          further behavior unspecified.
> This is a bug introduced in Guile 3.0.10 (Guix still uses 3.0.9), for
> which I’ve now sent a patch:
> Olivier Dion submitted another patch, which complements the one above:
> Thanks,
> Ludo’.

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