
When running guix as a package manager on a foreign distribution
(PureOS) on an aarch64 device, Evolution fails to install because
doxygen fails to build. I attach as separate files:

- the output of "guix build doxygen" gzipped;
- the doxygen build log from the store;
- the output of "guix describe";
- the output of "uname -a".


Attachment: guix-describe
Description: Binary data

Attachment: uname-a
Description: Binary data

Attachment: guix-build-doxygen.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: djrnspzq0hx8fc7c06riwbn68zxfq9-doxygen-1.9.8.drv.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpgT7LQunSJv.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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