Hi Marek!

Marek Felšöci <marek.fels...@lip6.fr> skribis:

> I confirm the issue on my Ubuntu 24.04 installation with Guix coming
> from apt repositories.
> I followed the steps from the Ricardo's reply, but the problem
> persists with the same error:
> ```
> guix shell: chyba: mount: mount "none" on
> "/tmp/guix-directory.DFemEr": Prístup odmietnutý
> ```
> Note that in the above message 'Prístup odmietnutý' means 'Access denied'.
> Have there been any new developments regarding this issue?

No!  I guess Ricardo was on the right track but this probably needs more
testing and polishing.

Is there additional info you can get by running “dmesg” or something
like that?


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