
Tomas Volf <~@wolfsden.cz> skribis:

> Z572 <zhengjun...@iscas.ac.cn> writes:
>>> How it that usually done?  I cannot do that *before* build, because then
>>> tests would not run (the library is not yet installed into the absolute
>>> path), and I cannot do it after, because I would need to rebuild the .go
>>> files after patching the source code.
>> you can use substitute* to adjust source.
>> e.g.
>> (or (false-if-exception (load-extension "/path/to/lib-some-object-file.so"))
>>     (load-extension "lib-some-object-file.so"))
> Thank you for the suggestion.  I am not sure I like the
> false-if-exception part, but temporary adjustment of the (@ (system
> foreign-library) guile-extensions-path) should do the trick as well.

I think you can just do:

  (load-extension "/path/to/lib-some-object-file.so")

but you need to (1) do that in a post-install phase, and (2) re-run
‘make’ before ‘make install’ if necessary.

See ‘guile-gdbm-ffi’ as one example.


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