Hi Simon,

The storm is over and users no longer complain.

It seems that all the problems came from a disorder in the NAS permissions. I didn't mention that the home is hosted by a NAS.

I guess this disorder disturbed first the sssd and mkhomedir and since guix.

I will be careful for the next user.

Thank you again  for your efforts and advices.



Laboratoire du Traitement du Signal et de l'Image
INSERM U-1099. Université de Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu. Bât 22. 35042.  Rennes.  France

Le 28/10/2024 à 16:52, Simon Tournier a écrit :

Sorry for the late reply.

On Mon, 14 Oct 2024 at 14:03, Fabrice Tudoret <fabrice.tudo...@univ-rennes1.fr> 

c) Display the both derivations, as root and as regular user

    # guix build -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement) python-boot0)' -S -d
     [root@cluster24 ~]# guix build -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement) 
python-boot0)' -S -d

    $ guix build -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement) python-boot0)' -S -d
     [fmenna@cluster24 ~]$  guix build -e '(@@ (gnu packages commencement) 
python-boot0)' -S -d
     user with UID 255759 not found

I hope the message "user with UID 255759 not found" has nothing to do
with the issue.
Well, this message comes from the Guix daemon (see nix-daemon.cc file):

         /* Open the store. */
         store = std::shared_ptr<StoreAPI>(new LocalStore(reserveSpace));

        if (userId != (uid_t) -1) {
             /* Create the user profile.  */
             struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(userId);
             if (pw != NULL && pw->pw_name != NULL)
                 store->createUser(pw->pw_name, userId);
                 printMsg(lvlInfo, format("user with UID %1% not found") % 

Hum, that’s not clear for me.  The daemon is a beast… Maybe this has an
impact.  For sure, aside Guix, I think it would be better to fix it. :-)

Well, I do not know why but this other message:

     > When I create the user home dir manually, the "guix pull" work's fine.
     > So the trouble could come from a disorder with the automatic home dir
     > creation.

     > I wish it's the right track. I keep digging.

spots the light on UID. :-)


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