
Andreas Enge <andr...@enge.fr> skribis:

> when updating openmpi from @4 to @5, my code does not link any more with the
> messages:
> ld: cannot find -lrdmacm: No such file or directory
> ld: cannot find -lefa: No such file or directory
> ld: cannot find -libverbs: No such file or directory
> ld: cannot find -lpsm2: No such file or directory
> Installing rdma-core and psm2 solves the problem.
> Here is a way to reproduce the problem:
> cd /tmp
> tar xvf `guix build -S cm`

Note that ‘cm’ as currently packaged does not depend on openmpi.

> Hm, I think the culprit is actually libfabric. It has these two packages as
> inputs, and contains this in its libfabric.pc:
> Libs.private:  -lpsm2 -lrdmacm -libverbs -lefa -latomic -lpthread -ldl
> I am not familiar with pkgconfig and do not know what distinguishes the Libs
> from the Libs.private field. But the line for linking my binary contains this
> in exactly this order:

It looks like the culprit is not pkg-config but Libtool:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ cat $(guix build openmpi@5 |grep -v debug)/lib/libmpi.la |grep 
-lrdmacm -lefa -libverbs -lpsm2 
-lpthread /gnu/store/0qqy5010by77h33ny3gzmaqx90c93q5v-ucx-1.15.0/lib/libucp.la 
/gnu/store/0qqy5010by77h33ny3gzmaqx90c93q5v-ucx-1.15.0/lib/libucm.la -lrt 
/gnu/store/mqmlzbzarz2s56khlkl7xk20xlsxdf04-openpmix-4.2.8/lib/libpmix.la -ldl 
$ cat $(guix build openmpi@4 |grep -v debug)/lib/libmpi.la |grep 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

We need to check the build process of openmpi to see where all these
extra ‘-l’ in libmpi.la come from.


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