I am trying to install GNU Jami but building libjami fails due to a missing header <webrtc/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h>. At first I thought it was a missing input but webrtc-audio-processing is listed as an input. However when I look in the store directory of webrtc-audo-processing its include directory contains a directory 'webrtc-audio-processing-1'. I am guessing that the webrtc directory is renamed to avoid conflicts with other packages. Is the right fix to patch libjami to look for webrtc-audo-processing-1/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h, or something else?
-- Kjartan Oli Agustsson GPG Key fingerprint: 4801 0D71 49C0 1DD6 E5FD 6AC9 D757 2FE3 605E E6B0
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