(based mostly off of this forum post:
It looks like it's related to the module being placed within a
directory within the =site-packages= directory?

Python doesn't seem to like that the =cuphelpers= directory is within
the =cupshelpers-1.0-py3.12.egg= directory (it wants
=site-packages/cuphelpers= rather than
=site-packages/cupshelpers-1.0-py3.12.egg/cuphelpers=, like it's
currently ending up).

Not a solution Guix can just use, as is, but running ~sudo ln -sf
/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupshelpers~ seemed to fix things, for them.

On Saturday (April 20, 2024) at 07:41:39 PM CDT, Athena Martin wrote:
> $ guix shell system-config-printer -- system-config-printer
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/gnu/store/hk90zfj9gzx4axws9ymzqni2ka7b2pb1-system-config-printer-1.5.16/share/system-config-printer/system-config-printer.py",
>  line 76, in <module>
>     import cupshelpers
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cupshelpers'

  • bug#70491: system-con... Athena Martin via Bug reports for GNU Guix
    • bug#70491: syste... Wamm_KD_Schmelingski--- via Bug reports for GNU Guix

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