Good morning or afternoon.

I am not able to update my system due to the following build failure:

standard output context
The following derivations will be built:

build log context
configure: error: Package requirements (gdlib >= 2.1.0) were not met:

Package 'freetype2', required by 'gdlib', not found

I checked with the source code of (gnu packages php) — freetype does not
exist in the file.

I apologize for not posting a patch, but I am still wrapping my head
around concepts more fundamental than patch submission.  For example, I
think it is a good idea to Cc the PHP team here, but failed to find
documentation on how to identify the team’s email address.

  • bug#72962: php-8.3.10 b... Marek Paśnikowski via Bug reports for GNU Guix

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