Maxim Cournoyer <> skribis:

> Hi,
> Guillaume Le Vaillant <> writes:
>> Lars-Dominik Braun <> skribis:
>>> Hi,
>>> it seems the core-updates branch is first in the merge-queue. haskell-team
>>> was successfully built by the CI and is ready to be merged. Since there
>>> does not seem to be an ETA for core-updates, can I skip the queue and
>>> go ahead with merging haskell-team?
>>> Lars
>> Hi.
>> The lisp-team branch is also in a good shape and ready to be merged.
> I think it's fine to merge these first; perhaps the core-updates merge
> request should be removed if it was preposterous (usually we issue the
> merge request when we are confident the branch is ready to me merged).


It might be more logical to have two steps. First a "work started on
xyz-team branch" message to indicate to the QA to make the stats for
this branch, and then the "request for merging xyz-team branch" message
to put the branch in the merge queue.

I'll try to merge the lisp-team branch tomorrow (UTC+2 timezone).

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