
On 06/05/2024 11:12, Ludovic Courtès wrote:

Christina O'Donnell <c...@mutix.org> skribis:

Tangentially, given how long nss takes to build, do you think that
it'd be worth shaving it down to a single test pass? Currently it runs
each test up to 3 times, which takes ~1h on my machine with no other
build running. Running only the standard pass takes 2.5-3x less time,
which is a huge quality of life improvement.
Currently we run ./nss/tests/all.sh, which I suppose is what upstream
recommends to run tests.

For sure I’d be happy if the test suite could run faster, but does
upstream offer such an option?  When you say “a single pass”, is that
something upstream supports?
Yes, you can control the tests by setting environment variables NSS_TESTS to a list of tests and NSS_CYCLES to a list of 'cycles' (what I previously called passes). The default is:

"standard pkix threadunsafe"

* 'standard' runs all of the below tests with default settings: "cipher lowhash cert dbtests tools sdr crmf smime ssl ocsp merge pkits ec gtests ssl_gtests policy"

* 'pkix' runs the tests "lowhash libpkix cert tools ssl ocsp pkits ec gtests ssl_gtests policy" with PKIX enabled.

* 'thread_unsafe' runs "ssl ssl_gtests" with "THREAD_UNSAFE" enabled.

My thinking would be to run the thread_unsafe cycle normally, but to reduce the test overlap between standard and pkix however, I can't say that I'm knowledgeable enough of NSS to claim that that wouldn't leave gaps that might bite us some point down the line. So it might be best to leave it as is unless someone familiar with NSS can confirm that it'd be safe to disable some tests/cycles.

Kind regards,


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