Hi, for more than a month now many emoticons are broken in my browsers.
An example is https://www.draketo.de/wissen/klimalinks.html I see ⚠, but I cannot see 💡 (though copying it into an Emacs buffer shows the icon). Also Flags like 🇬🇧 and 🇩🇪 are broken. I have a huge number of fonts installed (list at the end), so this should actually work. I attached a screenshot from icecat which shows the problem; ungoogled-chromium has it, too. Firefox installed via flatpak works, though (second attached image).
Best wishes, Arne Installed fonts in /etc/config.scm: font-adobe-source-code-pro font-adobe-source-han-sans font-adobe-source-sans-pro font-adobe-source-serif-pro font-anonymous-pro font-anonymous-pro-minus font-awesome font-bitstream-vera font-blackfoundry-inria font-cns11643-swjz font-comic-neue font-culmus font-dejavu font-dosis font-dseg font-fantasque-sans font-fira-code font-fira-mono font-fira-sans font-fontna-yasashisa-antique font-gnu-freefont font-gnu-unifont font-go font-google-material-design-icons font-google-noto font-google-roboto font-hack font-ibm-plex font-inconsolata font-iosevka font-iosevka-aile font-iosevka-etoile font-iosevka-slab font-iosevka-term font-iosevka-term-slab font-ipa-mj-mincho font-jetbrains-mono font-lato font-liberation font-linuxlibertine font-lohit font-meera-inimai font-mononoki font-mplus-testflight font-opendyslexic font-public-sans font-rachana font-sarasa-gothic font-sil-andika font-sil-charis font-sil-gentium font-tamzen font-terminus font-tex-gyre font-un font-vazir font-wqy-microhei font-wqy-zenhei ;; more fonts texlive-palatino texlive-fpl texlive-mathpazo ;; lots of fonts from package xorg.scm font-adobe100dpi font-adobe75dpi font-cronyx-cyrillic font-dec-misc font-isas-misc font-micro-misc font-misc-cyrillic font-misc-ethiopic font-misc-misc font-mutt-misc font-schumacher-misc font-screen-cyrillic font-sony-misc font-sun-misc font-util font-winitzki-cyrillic font-xfree86-type1
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