Lilly via Bug reports for GNU Guix <> writes:
Upgrading jsonrpc to version 1.0.25 solved the issue for me.
Hi, the above solution does not work for me so I tried to dig into
the problem further, and I think I've moved closer to the real
cause of this problem.
This issue is more close related to jsonrpc instead of eglot, and
(setq load-no-native t)
In early-init.el fixes the problem for me.
The first thing I noticed is that if we look up
"jsonrpc-connection", Help page tells us that it is a
native-compiled function, which is the hint to my following
attempts because in my configurations packages are only
byte-complied and not native-compiled, while built-ins are
native-compiled. This can be quickly checked if you open the
jsonrpc.elc file. (and I believe that it is the same case for the
upstream Guix)
Also, if you visit the "jsonrpc-connection"'s class Help page, it
shows that it does not have a slot named
"events-buffer-config". Instead it has
"events-buffer-scrollback-size", which reflects the corresponding
file in 29.3 built-in.
So my guess is that Emacs somehow prefers the native-compiled
version (from the built-in) over the byte-compiled version (from
the package), even if the latter is newer. I do have "(setq
load-prefer-newer t)" in my early-init.el, but it still works that
way. I'm not sure why the package loading works as expected before
recent updates in Guix though.