I've managed to package the latest version of Cutter, thanks in part to
Rizin now being in Guix.
I was not able to enable Python-based plugins because python-pyside-2
was unable to find the include directory for one of its inputs (also an
input to Cutter), specifically <QtQml/qqml.h>. I suspect this is due to
the way python-pyside-2 is packaged. Input include paths are manually
exposed to the C++ compiler by an environment variable rather than
through the build system itself. I'm already several tangents away from
where I started before deciding to update Cutter, though, so I don't
think I'll bother with that for this patchset. From what I understand,
the version of Cutter this package definition builds already has more
functionality than the version that existed before the update, backend
change aside.
I'm now trying to get the rz-ghidra and jsdec decompiler plugins
(recommended to Linux distribution packagers by the Cutter build docs)
to work as well, but I'm having trouble making sure Cutter can find
them. Specifically, I have rz-ghidra successfully building and
installing where it probably should,
"/share/rizin/cutter/plugins/native" in its package directory. Since I
don't know for sure how to install plugins yet I haven't started on
I'm tempted to just abandon the plugins idea and say this is good
enough. Anyone have thoughts or opinions about that?