Tanguy LE CARROUR <tan...@bioneland.org> skribis:

>> PS: I hear more and more long-time Python developers dismayed by the sad
>>     state of packaging and code evolution in Python.  In Guile land, we
>>     say: refugees welcome!  Come discover a great language and a great
>>     community (together with their own set of problems).
> Thanks for the kind invitation, but… I have an acute form of parens-itis.
> Seeing more that a pair of parenthesis on a single line make my eyes bleed! 😅
> And… `#` is for comments, every other use is complete heresy and those
> who go against the creed should suffer! … isn’t that what the parentheses
> are for?! 😉

Worry not! As part of our refugees-welcome effort, “we” have put
together tools and guides to help you feel at home:




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