Hi, I think the smithforth package is nice addition to Guix. However, if I run 
the command to get the source...

``` guix build -S smithforth

...I only get the annotated header/opcode file. However, the forth system 
provided in the binary includes also the words defined here:


It seems to me that `guix build -S' should return both these files in some 
form. Maybe in a tar file...?

``` guix show smithforth
name: smithforth
version: 220711
+ out: everything
systems: x86_64-linux
dependencies: xxd@9.1.0146
location: gnu/packages/forth.scm:67:2
homepage: https://dacvs.neocities.org/SF/
license: Expat No Attribution
synopsis: Forth programming language for x86-64 desktop computers  
description: SmithForth is an implementation of the Forth programming language
+ for x86-64 desktop computers.  SmithForth is a text interpreter that runs in a
+ Linux text console.

``` guix describe
Generation 57   Mar 04 2024 06:56:57    (current)
  guix 9321cf7
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
    branch: master
    commit: 9321cf7f51eb6dc3fe49d4302eed4e47a52284e2

馃摏 Christopher Howard
馃殌 gemini://gem.librehacker.com
馃寪 http://gem.librehacker.com

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